Black Lives Matter Demo - Sayings, Facts & More

Black Lives Matter (BLM) is a relatively young movement that emerged in 2013 within the African American community in the United States of America. Since then, thousands of people of all origins, religions and skin colors have come together under this slogan to fight racism and police violence against dark-skinned people.
Whether demos, silent protests, street campaigns or other creative street interventions, the BLM movement has been drawing attention to racism, police violence, justice and racial profiling against black people and People of Color in the form of various public actions in all countries of the world in recent weeks.

The occasion for many of these demonstrations is the violent death of Georg Floyd, who died on May 25. 2020 as an unarmed black US citizen was brutally killed in public by a white policeman. At many demonstrations, silent protests, streets or other public anti-racism actions, silence is kept together for 8 minutes and 46 seconds. This is how long the white policeman, Derek Chauvin, pressed his knees into the neck of the dark-skinned US-American George Floyd until he suffocated under the last words: "I can't breathe!
Shocking words that are currently circulating around the world in all languages to refer to the brutal reality of the dark-skinned population in the form of lettering on banners, demo signs, posters, pictures or mouth coverings. The hope that the violent death of Georg Floyd and many other victims of police violence will finally bring a worldwide awakening and put an end to racism lives in every silent protest, on every protest sign and on every lively and artistic street action.
Black Lives Matter - Demo slogans
The last racist events have touched you and you want to set an example against racism and police violence? Then you are exactly right here! In the following you will find the appropriate slogans for your demo sign. Whether it's about Georg Floyd, police violence, justice or racism in general: Your opinion is important and your words count! Get some more inspiration here before you go on the next BLM campaign.
We have sorted the best BLM slogans into categories, so you will quickly find the right words and an effective design for demo posters.

Black Lives Matter Sayings General
In this category you will find general BLM slogans that can be used well and versatile on anti-racism actions, silent protests, demonstrations against racism and BLM-street interventions!
BLM Sayings General in English
Equal rights!
No more silence!!!
No lives matter UNTIL black lives matter!
Enough is enough – BLM!
All lives matter!
All lives can´t matter if black lives don´t matter!
Black lives, Black deaths, Black pain, Black tears, Black hope, Black pride MATTER
Kill the system – not the people!
BLM Sayings General in German
Schwarze Leben zählen!
Kein Leben zählt, bis alle Leben zählen!
Genug ist Genug – BLM!
Gleiches Recht für ALLE!
Brecht die Stille!
Jedes Leben zählt!
Alle Leben zählen!
Sayings against racism in general
It is not only at the current BLM events that positions on racism can be taken. Racism has been a topic for many generations, which can be made clearly visible with just a few words. In this category you will find the best German and English sayings for demo posters.
Sayings against racism in general in German
Rassismus tötet!
Rassismus hat keine Chance!
Es heißt nicht weiß gegen schwarz – Es heißt alle gegen Rassisten!
Nein zu Rassismus!
Wer ist als nächstes dran?
Schwarz zu sein ist kein Verbrechen!
Unser Blut hat die selbe Farbe!
Ausländer willkommen!
Nazis raus!
Mach aus dem weißen Haus ein buntes!
Keiner lebt in Freiheit, bis alle in Freiheit leben!
Schützt dunkelhäutige Menschen!
Schützt schwarze Kinder!
Sayings against racism generally in English
Racism has no Place!
Racism kills!
It´s not black vs white – it´s everyone vs. Racists
How many of us have to die before you wake up?
Being black is not a crime!
We stand together!
I understand that I never understand but I STAND!
We all bleed the same color!
Refugees welcome!
Is my son next?
Who is next?
Pro-Black isn´t Anti-white!
No one is free until everyone is free!
I´m not a threat
Unity in diversity!
We are all members of the same race
We are one human race
Everyone vs. Racists
Protect Black kids!
Protect Black People!
Sayings against police violence and justice
Police violence and justice are still a sad truth for many black people worldwide! In the following you will find suitable sayings to put your opinion on posters.
Sayings against police violence and justice in English
End Police Brutality!
Stop Police Brutality!
Justice can´t wait!
No Justice – No peace
Who do you call when the police muders?
How do you sleep well, when the rest of us cry?
Sayings against police violence and justice in German
STOP Rassismus und Polizeiterror ÜBERALL!
Wenn rufst Du an, wenn die Polizei tötet?
Setzt dem Polizeiterror ein Ende!
Gerechtigkeit kann NICHT warten!
Keine Gerechtigkeit – Kein Frieden!
Demo slogans about Georg Floyd
The brutal death of the dark-skinned US citizen Georg Floyd has shocked people of all skin colors worldwide! Do you want a sign too? Then you'll find some German and English demo slogans about Georg Floyd here!
Demo slogans about Georg Floyd in English
If you are not angry – then you are not listening!
Silence is Violence!
8 Minutes and 46 seconds...
Justice for Floyd!
We don´t forget!
Demo slogans about Georg Floyd in German
Wenn Du nicht sauer bist- dann hast Du nicht zugehört!-
Ich kann NICHT atmen!
8 Minuten und 46 Sekunden...
Gerechtigkeit für Floyd!
Wir vergessen NICHT!

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